
  • AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the underlying compute resource for you.

  • t can automatically run code in response to modifications to objects in S3 bucket, messages arriving in kinesis stream, or table update in dynamo DB.

  • AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume - there is no charge when your code is not running.

  • Just upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability.

  • ou can set up your code to automatically trigger from other AWS services or call it directly from any web or mobile app.

  • In short lambda is a service to run your code, all you need is to supply the code.

  • Supported programming language is JavaScript.

  • It is designed to provide 99.99% availability


First 1 st million requests is free there after $0.20.

  • Duration is calculated from the time your code begins executing until it returns or otherwise terminates, rounded up to nearest 100ms.

  • The price depends upon the amount of memory you allocate to your function. You are charged $0.00001667 for every GB

Last updated