• Why AWS The free tier.

  • On the go pricing. Performance.

  • Deployment speed.

  • Security.

  • Flexibility.


  1. aws is launched in 2006.

  2. Amazon converts the unused storage infrastructure as business “Simple Storage web service” S3.

  3. By the end of 2006, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) was launched.

  4. Today AWS providing 70+ web services across 190 countries.

  5. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.

AWS is located in 16 geographical "regions":

North America (6 regions

  • US East (Northern Virginia), where the majority of AWS servers are based

  • US East (Ohio)

US West (Oregon)

US West (Northern California)

  • AWS GovCloud (US), based in the Northwestern United States, provided for U.S. government customers, complementing existing government agencies already using the US East Region

Canada (Central)

South America (1 region)

Brazil (São Paulo)

Europe / Middle East / Africa (3 regions)

  • EU (Ireland) EU (Frankfurt),

  • Germany EU (London),

  • United Kingdom

Asia Pacific (6 regions)

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo),

  • Japan Asia Pacific (Seoul),

  • South Korea Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia Pacific (Mumbai),

  • India Asia Pacific (Sydney),

  • Australia

China (Beijing)

  • Region is a distinct geographic location where amazon has its infrastructure

  • All the regions are designed to be independent of each other with separate power sources, internet connectivity and

geographic location

  • An availability zone is a separate datacenter within a region. Amazon has intentionally kept region independent of each other if one goes down it does not have effect on other.

For e.g. amazon have 2 AZ in Mumbai ap-south-1a, ap-south-1b.

  1. Edge location are cdn end points. edge locations are used by cloud front to cache files near the user who access them. For e.g. if a user wants to watch movie it’s better to cache the movie to location near the user for latency

  2. Amazon cloud front and amazon route 53 are offered at edge location

User can select the region depending upon following criteria

  1. User proximity – choose the base closer to the user

  2. Cost – cost may varies based on region

  3. Compliance – laws of lands such as data protection laws will influence your choice of regions.

  4. Service availability – not all services are available in a region

Last updated